Effective: May 22, 2008
1. The purpose of the Association shall be to bring into one body all qualified and eligible managers employed by the Federal Government.
2. The objectives of this Association shall be to increase the efficiency of the managerial force; promote the social, intellectual, and material welfare of the membership; establish mutual understanding, respect, and working relationships with responsible representatives of community, City, County, State, and Federal governments; promote, support, and defend legislation clearly beneficial to the membership and to the nation; oppose vigorously legislation clearly detrimental to the welfare of the membership and the nation’s security; and, in every endeavor, promote justice, maintain integrity, and assure equality for all.
Section 1. Membership is open to Federal employees consistent with government-wide rules and regulations. This Association shall be free of restrictions or practices denying membership because of race, sex, color, age, religion, the handicapped, or national origin.
Section 2. Regular Member. Individuals who are Federal employees consistent with Article II, Section 1.
Section 3. Retired Member. Any retired or retiring member may apply to retain their chapter membership.
Section 4. Associate Member. This category includes individuals not qualifying for regular membership, but who possess a direct interest in the purpose and goals of the Association.
Section 5. Honorary Member. Honorary membership may be conferred by majority vote of the members present at any regularly scheduled meeting or special meeting called by the President. Honorary members shall have no right to vote or hold office in this Association.
Section 6. An applicant for membership must file an application, submit dues for one pay period, and be recommended by one (1) member.
Section 7. Any member shall stand suspended when dues are three months in arrears, provided that notice has been issued concerning his/her delinquency.
Section 8. Meeting attendance and voting privilege shall be exercised by current paid up members only, except that honorary members may attend any general membership meeting but do not have voting rights.
Section 9. A member may be expelled for conduct unbecoming a member by a majority vote of the members present at any regular meeting. Such expulsion may be announced at one meeting and voted at the next regular meeting.
Section 10. Obligation. I, _____________, do voluntarily become a member of this Association and pledge myself, upon my sacred honor before the members here present, to abide by the Constitution, By-Laws, and regulations of this Association. I further pledge myself that I will do all in my power to advance the interest of these United States and the Federal Managers Association.
Section 1. The officers of this Association shall be: President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, and 3rd Vice President, who shall be regular members. The Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Sergeant-at-Arms and six Directors may be Regular, Associate, or Retired members.
Section 2. The Officers shall be elected in December and shall take office 1 January following.
Section 3. All officers shall serve for two years. The outgoing President shall automatically become a Director unless the person is re-elected as President or to any other office or is no longer a member of the Chapter, or has submitted a written declination. If the Zone President is a member of the Chapter, he/she will automatically be one of six directors without election. If the Zone President and Past President fill two director positions, four directors will be elected.
Section 4. The elective officers shall constitute an Executive Board to take care of shaping the policy of the Association as directed by the members at the meetings, and all emergency matters between meetings.
Section 1. The President shall preside over all regular meetings and meetings of the Executive Board, call meetings as provided in Article VIII, Section 2, and sign all official documents; he/she shall appoint all committees; he/she shall appoint officers to fill unexpired terms of office, except the Presidency, which office will be filled by the First Vice-President, and the First Vice President which will be filled by the Second Vice President.
Section 2. It shall be the duty of the First Vice President to preside in the absence of the President and to perform such duties as may be required. In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of President for any reason, the First Vice President will advance to President and serve out the unexpired portion of the term.
Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Second Vice President to preside in the absence of both the President and First Vice President and to perform such duties as may be required. In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of First Vice President for any reason, the Second Vice President will advance to First Vice President and serve out the unexpired portion of the term.
Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Third Vice President to preside in the absence of the President, First, and Second Vice Presidents and to perform such duties as may be required. In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of Second Vice President for any reason, the Third Vice President will advance to Second Vice President and serve out the unexpired portion of the term.
Section 5. The Recording Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of meetings, read minutes, and take charge of the records of the Association. At the close of his/her term of office, he/she shall deliver to his/her successor all the property of the Chapter.
Section 6. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct all correspondence as ordered by the President or by motion of the membership. He/she shall read all correspondence and enter same on file. At the close of his/her term of office he/she shall be responsible for filing correspondence in the official Chapter files.
Section 7. The Treasurer shall:
a. Receive all funds collected.
b. Pay all bills.
c. Keep all receipts, disbursements, and enter same in a record book.
d. Deposit all funds in a bank or savings institution approved by the Executive Board.
e. File the income tax return for the chapter at the closing of books at the end of the year.
Section 8. The Board of Directors shall have general supervision of all Chapter property. They shall examine all books of the Secretaries and/or the Treasurer whenever necessary, or when ordered by the Chapter.
Section 9. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall have charge of the door and shall allow no one to enter but paid up members or honorary or life members, unless otherwise instructed by the presiding officer, and shall take custody of the properties of the Association not normally in use by other officers.
Section 1. The following Committees may be established: Membership, Legislative, Area Coordinator, Meetings, Newsletter, Sick and Visiting, and others as deemed necessary by the President. Committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the President.
Section 2. ADHOC Committees, such as Resolution, By-Laws, Nominating, or any other committee of a special nature, may be appointed by the President as needed and serve until discharged.
Section 3. Nominations will be held during each odd year. At the September meeting of the odd year, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of at least three members whose duties shall be to present to the following meeting in October a slate of officers for election for the next two years. Nominations may also be made from the floor during the November General Membership meeting preceding the December election.
Section 4. At the odd year October general meeting, the President shall appoint an Election Committee Chairman.
a. The election Committee shall consist of a Chairman and at least three members.
b. The Chairman may be a member of the Executive Board.
c. The members are to be selected by the Chairman.
d. The duties of the Election Committee shall be:
(1) Prepare ballots.
(2) Monitor the voting (check-off membership list including cash pay members.
(3) Tabulate the votes.
(4) Prepare and present the election results of the appropriate December general membership meeting.
Section 1. The election for members of the Executive Board shall be held at the odd year December general membership meeting. Candidates will be elected by plurality vote of those votes cast.
Section 2. In the event that the President is re-elected, the vacancy of a Director shall be filled by nominations from the floor and a plurality of ballots cast at that December general membership meeting.
Section 3. An Executive Board Officer or Director shall be permitted to complete that term of office unless it is the decision of the Executive Board that the individual is incapable of performing the duties of that office.
Section 4. As a minimum, the President or designated representative will attend the National Convention, Mid-Year Conference, and Zone Conference. The President or designated representative will be the voting delegate. The Executive Board will determine the number of delegates to be sent to each Convention/Conference.
Section 1 Chapter 19 shall advance a reasonable amount of money to cover the cost of airfare and hotel plus $25 per day for food, transportation and incidental expenses. The airfare allowed will be determined by a review of current airline prices.
Section 2. It shall be the duties and responsibilities of the delegate to: (1) carry out the mandates for Chapter 19, (2) through resolution and/or spoken word advance the interests of Chapter 19 and the parent body, (3) submit a written report of the proceedings of the convention or conference to the body of Chapter 19 within a sixty (60) calendar day period after the close of the convention or conference.
Section 1. Regular meetings shall be held each month unless directed otherwise. The Executive Board shall meet monthly as agreed upon by the Executive Board.
Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the President or upon written request of three (3) members. Each member shall be notified in writing two (2) days prior to the date of the meeting and shall be informed of the date, hour, and purpose of the meeting; no other business shall be considered.
Section 3. A quorum of any General Membership Meeting will be three percent (3%) of the total membership.
Section 4. A quorum of any Executive Board Meeting shall be fifty percent (50%) of the total Executive Board.
Section 5. All meetings are to be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order insofar as they do not conflict with these By-Laws or the National Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 6 Members of the Executive Board are expected to attend all meetings officially called, including the Executive Board meetings and General meetings. Members who have three unexcused absences during their yearly term of office will be removed from the Executive Board and a replacement will be appointed by the President.
Section 1. Dues shall be assessed as directed by the Executive Board and approved by the general membership at any general or special meeting. Retired members shall be assessed one-half the dues, and if retired member is a life-time member of the National Association, chapter dues shall be less the annual dues payable to the National Association.
Section 1. No proxies will be recognized or voted at any meeting, special or regular.
Section 1. Any amendments or alterations to these By-Laws must be read and submitted in writing at the meeting previous to the meeting it is read and voted upon. All amendments require two-third (2/3) majority vote of the members present.
1. Call to order
2. Invocation
3. Quorum check
4. Reading of the minutes
5. Reading of correspondence
6. Treasurer’s report
7. Obligation of new members
8. Reports of committees
9. Unfinished business
10. New business
11. Nominations and election of officers
12. Adjournment
Almighty God, Father of all mankind and judge of all nations, we pray Thee to guide our work in this meeting and in all our days. Send Thy peace to our nation and to all nations; hasten the fulfillment of Thy promise of peace that shall have no end.
Other appropriate invocations may be used.
Section 1. A contingency fund shall be established to provide financial support for any legal assistance that is required for the benefit of the Association. The Executive Board shall at least annually establish a cap for this fund. The Executive Board shall be authorized to expend up to $1,000.00 per situation that will benefit the Association/members. Members requesting such financial assistance will, upon Board approval, receive up to the $1,000.00 limit in matching funds. If additional funds are required, they must have a 2/3 majority vote of the members present at a regular or special meeting. The amount of additional funds to be made available shall be established by the Executive Board. Funds will be used to assist only members who have been in good standing (paid up dues at the time of the incident). Associate and honorary members are excluded from this benefit.
Section 2. Death Benefit Assistance Program
Chapter 19 will provide a Death Benefit Assistance Program to the members. Only members who are in good standing (dues paid up) will be entitled to this benefit. Honorary members are excluded from this benefit. The Executive Board will at least annually establish benefit amount that can be paid out.
If there is a major death occurrence involving Chapter 19’s members in excess of the benefits funds in reserve, the assistance program reserves will be prorated to all claimants to a balance of “0” dollars for that occurrence. The benefit fund will start accumulating again at the first deposit after the fund was depleted.
A committee of five, the President, Treasurer, and three Directors will oversee the financial operation of the Death Benefit Assistance Program. This committee will oversee both the reserve buildup, pay out, and the prudent investment of funds.
The Executive Board shall at least annually establish a cap for this fund.
Section 3. Expenses
1. The following amounts will be used as a guideline to determine the amount to be expended for each occasion.
a. Member or Spouse hospitalized……………………..$50.00
b. Death of Family Members………………………….…$50.00
c. Death of Spouse………………………….………..….$100.00
d. Long-Term Sickness……………………..….…….….$50.00
• Family is defined as a group of persons consisting of parents, children who reside in the same household.
• Long-term sickness is defined as when a member is at home recuperating or taking therapy for a period longer than fifteen (15) calendar days.
2. Entertaining Visiting Guests. Members from other chapters, National staff or National officers who are visiting in Hawaii may be entertained by a host/hostess appointed by the President. Expenses for this entertaining may be reimbursed up to $40 for the host/hostess and $40 for each visiting guest.